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Hear Us Out: Our Podcast Roundup

We’ve been working on our listening skills here at Rothy’s. Enlightening ourselves with a wide range of topics keeps our minds turning and the creativity on high. So we’re sharing the three podcasts topping our lists. Perhaps you’ll be persuaded to hang up your flats for a moment and relax, listen, smile, concentrate…whatever floats your podcast boat.

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Geared toward the Parentals: For Crying Out Loud

Parents keeping their ears open for stories and/or indirect advice in the form of comedy, honesty and wit, this one's for you. Executive Lynn Corolla and parenting author Stefanie Wilder-Taylor remove the filter and go “loud” about typical parenting topics like drop-off playdates at “your” house and what to do when your non-child takes in all the junk food he/she can find. Not only will you identify with the subjects, you’ll love the mom-duo’s cartoon-y, soothing voices.

Feeling Hollywood-ish: Armchair Expert

Dax Shepard, the adorably goofy actor who also happens to be married to Kristen Bell leads a laid-back podcast consisting of interviews with a colorful mélange of Hollywood’s most provocative names. Think everyone from Anna Faris to Katie Couric. Most of the time it seems like a fun (almost tipsy) chat between friends with a few explicit words here and there. What you get out of it: a real-good human look at the stars and what they’re really thinking when they’re not shrouded in a thick layer of “glitter.” Fascinating. Seriously.

When You’re in an Overthinking Mood: Revisionist History

For those who like to look back, reflect or wonder “what if,” this is a polite, informative podcast with a brilliant news-like angle overseen by renowned author Malcolm Gladwell. He examines subjects that are usually “overlooked or misunderstood.” It often covers thought-provoking matters that might get

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Interest in using sustainable materials for fashion continues to grow, and hemp has emerged as a frontrunner in the quest for green alternatives. As a renewable resource that requires minimal...
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